
Original Data Sources

Data Sources: Below displays a collective list of all the data sources that will be merged in this portal

Gene Symbol UniProtKB/SwissProt AC Ensembl Gene ID Anatomical Entity ID Anatomical Entity Name Developmental Stage ID Developmental Stage Name Expression Level Gene Expression Level Anatomical Call Quality Expression Score
Gene Symbol Ensembl Gene ID Anatomical Entity ID Anatomical Entity Name Developmental Stage ID Developmental Stage Name Expression Level Gene Expression Level Anatomical Call Quality Expression Score
Gene Symbol UniProtKB/SwissProt AC Genome Position Nuc. Position Ref. Nuc. Var. Nuc. Ensemble Transcript ID Peptide ID RefSeq AC Coding region Protein position AA Position Ref. AA Var. AA Mutation frequency Source DOID Cancer Type Anatomical Entity ID PMID Site Prediction Functional Impact
Gene/miRNA UniProtKB/SwissProt AC RefSeq AC Log 2 F.C. P-value Adj. P. value Significant Expression Trend subjects_up subjects_down subjects_nochange subjects_total Source PMID TCGA Study DOID DOID Name Anatomical Entity ID
UniProtKB/SwissProt AC Entrez ID Gene Mention PMID DOID DOID Name Disease Mention Disease Extracted From Expression Level Sentence Type Sample 1 Sample 2 Is Same Patient Sentence Text
PMID UniProtKB/SwissProt AC Gene Symbol Entrez ID Gene Mention DOID DOID Name Disease Mention Mutation Mention Mutation Type Abstract Extraction Sentence Number Sentence Text Extraction Method Patient/Control Numbers Is Meta-Analysis Is Review
Gene Symbol/Panel Phase Alias Biomarker ID Biomarker Description Is Panel QA State Title Type Organ Referenced In Publication
UniProtKB/SwissProt AC Pathway ID URL Event Evidence Code
Disease Use Trade Name Manufacturer Submission Is Panel Gene Symbol UniProtKB/SwissProt AC Biomarker ID Created Biomarker Origin NCIT Biomarker Disease DOID Histological Type Approved Indication Actual Use Speciment Type Method Number Genes Adoption Evidence Clinical Trial ID Regulatory Approval Status Phase PMID Study Design Clinical Significance Drug Description Notes