Searching for: TRIOBP / Q9H2D6

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EDRN Biomarkers:
FDA Biomarkers:
Disease Mutations:
Differential Expression:

Healthy Expression:
Mutation Literature Mining:
Expression Literature Mining:

Overview search results for:

Gene:TRIOBP / Q9H2D6

Gene specific overview of data in OncoMX.
Access to gene specific results, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

Additional Resources: HemOnc, EDRN, UniProt, iPTMnet, NCBI, CDGnet, Bgee, PDX Finder, CDSA

Differential expression of various cancer types
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Frequency of expression for each cancer type where red denotes down-regulation, and green denotes up-regulation.

Human Healthy Bulk RNA-seq Expression Overview
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Absent expression
Low expression
Medium expression
High expression

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Healthy bulk RNA-seq for human tissue and the level at which genes are expressed. The silver squares denote absent expression levels, red denotes low expression, green denotes medium expression, and blue denotes high expression.

Mouse Normal Bulk RNA-seq Expression Overview
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Low Exp Lvl
Medium Exp Lvl
High Exp Lvl
Healthy bulk RNA-seq for mouse tissue and the level at which genes are expressed. The silver squares denote absent expression levels, red denotes low expression, green denotes medium expression, and blue denotes high expression.

Mutation Frequencies by Cancer Type
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Mutation frequencies by cancer types

PEM scores across cell types for various cancers
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High preference
Medium preference
Low preference
Cell-type marker gene
This chart displays preferential expression measure (PEM) scores and expression preference types across cancer cell-types for a given gene. PEM assessed the difference between observed and expected expression of a gene in a cell-type with the assumption that the given gene was uniformly expressed in all cell-types of a cancer-type.

Expression Literature mining across different cancers

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Expression literature evidence for the specific gene across different cancers. The green bars represent number of abstracts that mentions the up regulation of the gene while the red bar represent the down regulation of genes.

Percentage of Measured Glycan Intensities for Cirrhosis, HCC, and Transplant for TRIOBP / Q9H2D6

Comparison of the average, normalized MALDI-MS intensity of 50 specific N-glycans for the specified protein in patients with cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), or a transplant.

Mutation Literature mining across different cancers

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Mutation literature evidence derived from gene mentions in abstracts.

Details for search:

Gene: TRIOBP / Q9H2D6

Biomarker Details

FDA approved biomarker information

Disease Use Trade Name Manufacturer Submission Is Panel Gene Symbol UniProtKB/SwissProt AC Biomarker ID Created Biomarker Origin NCIT Biomarker Disease DOID Histological Type Approved Indication Actual Use Speciment Type Method Number Genes Adoption Evidence Clinical Trial ID Regulatory Approval Status Phase PMID Study Design Clinical Significance Drug Description Notes

Reactome pathways associated with gene

UniProtKB/SwissProt AC Pathway ID URL Event Evidence Code Species

Mutation Details

Expression Details

UniProtKB/SwissProt AC Gene Symbol Log2 F.C. P-value Adj. P-value Significant Expression Trend TCGA Study Cancer Type Patient Freq. Source PMID Anatomical Entity ID

Bgee Details

Ensemble gene ID Gene Symbol Anatomical Entity ID Anatomical Entity Name Developmental Stage ID Developmental Stage Name Expression Lvl - Gene Expression Lvl - Anatomical Call Quality Expression Score

Dexter Details

Gene Symbol UniProtKB/SwissProt AC Entrez ID Gene Mention PMID DOID DOID Name Disease Mention Disease Extracted From Expression Level Sentence Type Sample 1 Sample 2 Is Same Patient Sentence Text

DiMex Details

PMID UniProtKB/SwissProt AC Gene Symbol Entrez ID Gene Mention DOID DOID Name Disease Mention Mutation Mention Mutation Type Abstract Extraction Sentence Number Sentence Text Extraction Method Patient/Control Numbers Is Meta-Analysis Is Review